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Rescue Simulation Plus

RoboCup Simulation (Secondary/Open)

This page gives some install, set up and introduction to use Webots for a Rescue based simulation setup. This is a demo, or trial, for creating a Rescue Simulation based platform to bridge the gap between RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation & RoboCup Major Rescue Simulation. This platform uses open-source software, and the installation has been kept as simple as possible to provide a low barried to entry. A number of introductory exercises are provided, in addition to which many more are available online. Specific ‘competition worlds’ are also provided which are similar to thoose which will be used in the competition.


This rescue scenario based simulation competition will use Webots. Webots is an open-source robot simulator. It is widely used in industry, education and research. The Webots project started in 1996, initially developed at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland. The simulator uses the physics engine ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) for detecting of collisions and simulating rigid body dynamics. The ODE library allows one to accurately simulate physical properties of objects such as velocity, inertia and friction. It is used widely in both research and teaching, examples of useage can be found here.

Controllers for robots can be developed in a variety of different lanugages including C, Python and MatLab. Although Python will be used in these tuotorials, teams are welcome to use any of the alternative languages which are provided.

Combination of programming environments


This competitions focuses on an abstraction of a rescue scenario. A world will be provided which includes ‘victims’ which are represented by balls. These balls victims must be located, it must be determined if these balls are ‘dead’ or ‘alive’ and if possible the alive balls should be delivered to the home area.

To ‘locate’ the ball, the robot must travel within 0.1m of the ball and stay stationary for at least 2 seconds.


The Webots software (which is free!) can be downloaded from here. Installations are provided for Windows, Mac and Linux. Further information on the installation process can be found here.

Python should also be installed as Python is used to create the worlds. Webots requires Pytohn 2.6 or 3.6, we will assume version 3.6 is used. Instructions on installing Python can be found here. For Windows PCs it is key that the PATH should include the location of the python installation.

Additionally if you would like to use Matlab/C/C++ more information can be found here:


There are a number of online resources online, including many activities. The most useful, are summarised here:

Getting Started

The Robot

The robot used in this simulation is based on a real-world robot which has been created for education and research, the Epuck2. Specific details about the robot can be found here.

The robot is equipped with a differential drive wheel system actuated by two stepper motors, a number of distance sensors, light sensors and a camera. This is summarised in the figure below.

The Epuck2 robot: sensors and actuators

Initial Activities